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2024 In’s and Out’s for Your Office

As the new year begins, this is the time to reflect on all old habits and what new healthy routines you’d like to bring into the new year with you. When it comes to determining what new years resolutions you’d like to stick to, it can be quite difficult in finding realistic goals that you can abide by, not only in your lifestyle, but in your workspace too.

After a busy year of work in 2023, January may feel like a slightly deflating month to start off on, which commonly means that work ethic tends to drop, and old tendencies start to creep in. Therefore, we have compiled a list of 2024 ‘ins and outs’ for your office. A record of all resolutions that should be brought into the new year, as well as noting down all old habits that need kicking out.


Saving money 

After facing the chaos of Christmas, January is usually the time for budgeting and keeping costs down. Therefore, it’s understandable that not all workplaces would be renovating their entire office and spending large amounts on new furniture. However, used furniture is a great alternative that is not only cost effective, but also doesn’t require compromising on quality. Buying second hand products is a great way to spice up your office, whilst allowing yourself to save money and stick to your budget. We have plenty of gently used furniture from high quality and reputable brands to choose from, all at excellent prices.


More organisation and focus

If you’re trying to stay more organised and focused this year, it may be time for you to switch up your furniture. Comfortable environments can play a big part in your motivation to work. Have you ever thought you may be in need of a new desk chair? Small differences like a new operator chair, or height adjustable desk, can not only improve posture and health, but also your work ethic. Whatever the requirement, we can assist in finding the best furniture for you. We have plenty of operator chairs that are ergonomically designed to suit your body and help you find comfort in the office.


Making more sustainable choices

With landfills and increasing waste becoming a rising concern, it is always best to keep sustainability in mind, especially when it comes to choosing your furniture. Second hand products are great option when it comes to furniture as this allows products to be longer lasting and increases their longevity rather than ending up in landfills that take decades to decompose. However, if used furniture isn’t an option you would choose, a significant alternative you can consider when purchasing new furniture is sustainable fabrics. Using sustainable fabrics decreases carbon footprint, improves animal welfare, and reduces environmental impact, which overall is a better choice for our planet. In the modern day, more people are choosing to become more environmentally conscious, which is why for 2024, this is definitely something you should bring into the new year.


Communication with colleagues 

Communication within the office is an important aspect for all workplaces which all members of the office can benefit from. It allows for more collaboration and new ideas from each colleague, as well as improving work ethic and determination to complete certain tasks. A way that this can be improved and brought into the new year, is by simply switching up your office layout. Having an open plan office and using back-to-back bench desking allows all co workers to work together and share ideas as one. Or why not try out a meeting and boardroom table? Boardroom tables allows a space to discuss projects and goals with your team and overall improves communication. We have plenty of new and used boardroom and meeting tables to choose from at affordable prices.


Messy environments

It can be quite easy to fall into the trap of collecting random items and useless rubbish on your desk whilst at work, and before you know it, you have a landfill of books and stationery that can take up your entire desk. In order to leave this habit in the past, it is best to invest in some good quality storage. Whether that be a simple cupboard or a pedestal beneath your desk, it can be surprising by how much storage can improve your workspace. Starting the new year off right with a clean, tidy and renovated workspace can help motivate yourself and other colleagues to reset the year with a positive and clear mind in order to perform well at work. Check out our used storage where we have plenty of cost-effective items to choose from.



Whether it be an office or college, we all find distractions throughout the day and sometimes it can be difficult to concentrate when attempting to complete tasks. An effective way to banish all distractions when trying to work can be using noise cancelling acoustic pods or booths. Soundproof walls are a great feature that provide ideal working conditions for phone calls and private meetings, which block out all disturbances. We have plenty of pods and booths available on our website, to help you leave all interruptions in 2023.


Uncomfortable working areas

When spending a day at the office for 8 hours or more, it should be a priority for both you and your co workers to be as comfortable as possible. No one wants to be hunched over a desk all day, however, not everyone will know where to start when trying to find comfort and what works best for you. That is why for the new year it is important to swap out all uncomfortable furniture items that may cause distress to the body, and instead purchase products that supports your frame. Replacing all old furniture and choosing more comfortable seating and height appropriate desks for the office will make a significant difference to your posture and overall health. Why not try out our used seating on our website?

Start the new year off right and make the right choices for your office. We have all types of furniture, from storage, seating and desks, all new and second-hand products at inexpensive prices. Guaranteed to find something that suits your office needs at your preferred budget.